Curate a Exhibition

Learning Goal: I’m working on a art discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.

Final Project: Curate an Thematic Exhibition

Due by the end of day Monday, Dec 11th, 2023

20% of final grade

An Art Curator is often in charge of selecting artworks to show and deciding how they should be present to the public. Many times, exhibitions revolve around a particular theme and curators choose artworks that shed light on the given theme in unique ways.

For your final project, you are tasked with curating a hypothetical mini exhibition of art based around a theme that you find to be relevant and important for this moment in time.

Choose a theme for your exhibition that you find interesting and important. For your show, select 3 artworks to focus on that relate to your chosen theme in some way. Your artworks can be of any kind (paintings, sculpture, community art, photography, etc etc), from any time period, any price range, by any visual artist. Each artwork should relate to your theme in some way, but try to find works that take various perspectives on the theme. You can find your artworks online, via the library, or in your textbook. Feel free to use artists that we have learned about in class. The artworks must have already been created (so no works that you would like to see made). If you want to use a work of your own or a friend’s artwork that is fine too.

Submit a PDF document using the following format:

  • Show Title and Theme
  • Rationale: Write a paragraph about why the exhibit is relevant and important? Give some background on your topic to help explain why you chose it. What do you hope people will take away from the exhibit?
  • Artworks: Post an image of each artwork labeled 1-3.
    • Under each artwork you should have the following bullets:
      • Basic Info: State the artist’s name, artwork title, media, dimensions if applicable, and approximate date created.
      • Description of the Form: This section should be a paragraph describing the artistic process (techniques used/ how the media is manipulated) and specific examples of the how the elements of art and principles of design are used to make an effective work of art. This section is really important! I will be looking for several appropriate uses of course vocabulary demonstrating your understanding of the concepts.
      • Description of the Content: This section should be a paragraph describing the impact that the work has. What does the work mean to you and how does it speak to the theme of the show you are curating? Why was it important to include? How does it’s content compare or contrast with that of the other works you chose to include?
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