The Garrison Commander is standing up a working group consisting of diverse individuals across the installation to assist in the issue. You have been assigned to the Crisis Response and Installation Security team. Provide a response to the following questions:  

You depart your house at your usual 0645 to travel to work. When you arrive at your installation, you immediately notice a longer than usual line of vehicles to enter the post. Even stranger, as you approach the ID checkpoint, you see MPs checking ID cards. It’s been several years since you last saw a person checking ID cards. Your installation upgraded to an artificial intelligence-enabled autonomous system to scan and validate ID cards 3 years earlier. The system has been very reliable and helped decrease the time to get through the checkpoint in the past. You believe they must be conducting some sort of exercise or maybe the system is down. As you wait in line, you grab your cellphone to call your supervisor to let her know you are going to be a few minutes late. You discover your phone has no service and you’re unable to complete your call. That’s strange, you typically have good signal throughout your route to work. You also noticed an error on your car’s GPS stating it is unable to connect with any satellites. You proceed through the ID checkpoint and don’t ask questions as to not hold up the growing line of cars behind you.  

You’ve arrived at your destination, park your car, and begin approaching the entrance of your facility. You go to scan your card to enter the building and the scanner appears offline. The red light remains on and does not react to your card like normal. The door remains locked with you outside the building. A person detailed to secure the entrance opens the door and asks for your identification. The security detail verifies your information and matches your identity to the information on the access roster and allows entry to the facility. You say, “Thank you, what a strange day, what is going on? It seems nothing is working.” The security detail replies, “everything is offline, we have no network or internet capabilities and we have not yet heard what’s causing the outage or when they expect things to come back online”.  

The Garrison Commander is standing up a working group consisting of diverse individuals across the installation to assist in the issue. You have been assigned to the Crisis Response and Installation Security team. Provide a response to the following questions:  

1. What decision(s) do you make to address the situation?  

2. You have been tasked to select 3 members for the team that will address the issues for the installation commander. What positions or skillsets do you select? Why are they essential?

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About the Author: admin