Discuss the five data collection methods used in job analysis, identifying the pros and cons of each with specific detail and support.

For this discussion, refer to textbook Chapter 3, “Job Analysis and Design,” as you respond to the following:

  • Discuss the five data collection methods used in job analysis, identifying the pros and cons of each with specific detail and support.
  • Identify one of the five methods as the most effective approach for you to use when conducting job analysis.
  • In a separate paragraph be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts below:

Hello Professor and Classmates,

Chapter 3 of the textbook advises “The five steps involved in job analysis are as follows: 1. identify the job to examine; 2. determine appropriate information sources and collect job-related data; 3. organize and analyze data; 4. conduct a job evaluation; and 5. organize information to develop job description and competencies” (Picardi,1). There are many pros to each step as all are needed to complete the process.

  1. Identify the Job the Examine – First, you must determine if you are writing about a new job or revising a description of an existing job. The only con to this step is that the process could be time-consuming. The Pros are that by asking questions and coming up with answers to the job that needs the job description, the person writing the job description will become the expert and will be responsible for the outcome. They will be coming to this new position from a realistic viewpoint.
  2. Determine appropriate information sources and collect job-related data. The only con to this step is that the process could be time-consuming. The pros are that all information collected will help to complete a well-rounded job description with firsthand job-related information.
  3. Organize and Analyze Data. The only con to this step is that the process could be time-consuming. The pro to this step is that it helps HR or the organization to make a better decision because they have the information needed.
  4. Conduct a job evaluation. There are two cons that I can see for this step. First, as with the first three steps, it is time-consuming. It can also cause anxiety to the employees who are being evaluated. A pro for this step is that it helps to ensure fair compensation for the job in question.
  5. Organize information to develop job descriptions and competencies. The con to this step would be if the document is not evergreen and easily changeable as changes come to a job. The pros to this step are that employees understand what is expected of them and allows them to work efficiently.

The method that is the most effective approach for me to use when conducting a job analysis is the 2nd step, determining appropriate information sources and collecting job-related data. While this might be the most time-consuming step it provides so much information that is needed in a job analysis. A job analysis is based on job data, so collecting that data is a key component.

I hope everyone has a great week.

Take Care,


Requirements: 10-15 sentences 2 paragraphs

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