Assess the value of public policies related to business and government. Critique one major government regulation related to the organization you selected for the course assignments.

Business, Government, and Society:

For this project assignment,

you will compile all of your previous assignments and add an executive summary to the beginning of the project. To write this unit’s part of the project, review your previously completed assignments to write an executive summary that summarizes the most significant topics from these assignments. Be sure to include brief content on the following listed topics in this executive summary (remember an executive summary touches on observations, findings, or insights gleaned from the previously completed course assignments rather than in-depth coverage of topics). Bullet point statements are also acceptable in an executive summary. In conjunction with the key observations, findings, or insights gleaned from your previously completed assignments, address the following topics in your executive summary. Your executive summary should be placed at the beginning of your project to give the reader an idea of what they will read in your paper. You will then combine your previous assignments after your executive summary in the order in which you completed them.

· Assess the value of public policies related to business and government. Critique one major government regulation related to the organization you selected for the course assignments.

· What are the connections or balancing perspectives between economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities of organizations?

· Describe how stakeholders impact supply chain relationships.

·  Summarize contemporary trends in supply chain practices.


The executive summary should be at least two pages in length. This does not include combining the completed assignments to create a full company profile. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used.

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