Using the knowledge gathered from viewing the film, Swedenburg’s chapter “Islamic Hip-Hop versus Islamophobia” and previous works from this semester discuss what it is about hip-hop that makes it such an appealing vessel for challenging Islamophobia that individuals of Islamic faith continue to engage in the culture despite the difficulties of navigating both their religion and hip-hop affiliation.

1. Based on this week’s readings and film, answer the two following questions in 200-300 words. Please number each discussion prompt.  

1. The article for week 8 described hip hop as a weapon. This week’s reading makes several references to hip hop and spirituality. Can hip hop be described as a spiritual movement? Why or why not?

2. In the movie “I Love Hip Hop in Morocco,” one of the rappers repeatedly used the “N” word. Do you agree with his use of the “N” word for Moroccans? How did he justify its use?

Support your analysis and arguments with examples from the artists from the film or from scholarly literature. Remember to cite your work properly.

2. Using this week’s readings and films, write a brief 200-word post to answer the following question: 

  1. Using the knowledge gathered from viewing the film, Swedenburg’s chapter “Islamic Hip-Hop versus Islamophobia” and previous works from this semester discuss what it is about hip-hop that makes it such an appealing vessel for challenging Islamophobia that individuals of Islamic faith continue to engage in the culture despite the difficulties of navigating both their religion and hip-hop affiliation.

Use information from the background and context information here, or other outside references and your own personal experiences to build out your post and support your opinions.

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