On the Danger of Forced Conversion

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s website, “Jewish Religious Life and the Holocaust” (https://perspectives.ushmm.org/collection/jewish-religious-life-and-the-holocaust) notes that, “Less than half of European Jews actively practiced a form of Judaism at the outbreak of World War II, and religious Jews expressed piety and faith in a variety of different ways.”  The diversity of Jewish practices was further exacerbated by the oppression Jewish populations during the Holocaust.  The website provided here contains a variety of primary sources exemplifying this.

The written component for each person work must be double-spaced in 12 font Times New Roman and address all the questions/directives outlined guidelines.  MLA citations are needed—links on how to format according to these styles are located in the syllabus. 

Selected topic “On the Danger of Forced Conversion” https://perspectives.ushmm.org/item/on-the-danger-of-forced-conversion/collection/jewish-religious-life-and-the-holocaus

Based on selected topic write why did you select and what is it about? (1 paragraph) 

In addition to this write-up, you must also have an accompanying visual presentation, of which images are cited (usually using weblinks on the page the image is used; if these are personal images such as photos, include the photographer’s name, place and date of photograph).  

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