Writing Assignment

Please answer the following questions completely and expansively! Rewrite each question along with the response. Each prompt within each question should be fully addressed! The Ninth Edition of Introducing Public Administration (ISBN: 9781138666344) by Shafritz, Russell, Borick, and Hyde is the only required and recommended resource needed. Please proofread and spell check your response(s) before turning them in (typewritten and double-spaced). You will be evaluated on competency and performance: (a) the accuracy of your essay response (each question has its own rubric); (b) the demonstration that you know the course material; (c) the organization, clarity, and coherence of your essay response; and (d) utilization of reading, writing, and research skills in a structured setting. Unfortunately, late submissions will not be accepted. Good Luck!!!

1) President Woodrow Wilson is often referred to as the father of Public Administration (PA). Wilson’s 1877 essay The Study of Administration, serves as the blueprint for establishing the field. What is Public Administration and who are Public Administrators? Please define, analyze, and explain fully (both in theory and practice)? Is there a distinction between politics and administration (explain and give examples)? Is PA an academic or occupational field (explain and give examples)? Please provide evidence (both reliable and valid) to buttress and support your response(s).

2) Describe and explain the “evolution of management” as well as “classical organizational theory.” List and define fully the various principles and approaches to management. Also, describe and explain fully the development of classical organizational theory. Within this context, what is leadership and how different is it from management? What does each term have to do with Public Administration? Please provide evidence (both reliable and valid) to buttress and support your response(s).

3) Social equity is fairness in the delivery of public services; it is egalitarianism in action, the principles that each citizen, regardless of economic resources or personal traits, deserves and has a right to equal treatment by the political system. However, social equality has led to social welfare. Does Government and Corporate America (big business) have a responsibility to contribute to society’s well-being (explain fully)? Explain the theoretical and practical positions taken by Government and Corporate America as they relate to social equity? Please provide evidence (both reliable and valid) to buttress and support your response(s).

4) Jeremy Bentham is considered the father of Policy Analysis. As a matter of fact, Bentham is considered the first methodologist in the field of policy analysis. Bentham became infamous for requiring all laws and policies to answer one major question, “who benefits?” Program audits and evaluations are objective assessment tools which help us to answer the aforementioned question (who benefits?). Please define and explain fully what an “audit” is? Describe in great detail the history of audits; application(s); and type(s). Also, explain (fully) what a program evaluation is? Clearly, distinguish the similarities and differences between an audit and an evaluation? Finally, please discuss the differences between policy analysis and program evaluation?

5) Define Program Evaluation in detail? How does Aaron Wildavsky’s describe Program Evaluation? Finally, what are the types of evaluations list and explain?

Requirements: 8-10 pages 

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