The seven doctrines of salvation

CORRECTION: The correct spelling for the 7th covenant is “DAVIDIC”

Subject: Homework


The seven doctrines of salvation are forgiveness, justification, reconciliation, redemption, sanctification, newness of life, and adoption. The seven elements or doctrines of salvation are divine works; they designate the divine side of salvation.

There are eight covenants between God and humanity or man. As we discussed in our earlier studies, covenants are the same as contracts. Meaning they can’t be broken or nullified. No matter how man breaks his end of the covenant, God finds another way to save or salvage out of the ruins and offer salvation.

I would like for you to use the seven doctrines of salvation to describe God’s willingness to save humanity. For example, take a look at biblical scripture concerning each covenant and give a brief summation by using one of the seven doctrines.

1). EDENIC: covenant means rule.

2). ADAMIC: covenant means redemption.

3). NOAHIC: covenant means restraint.

4). ABRAHAMIC: covenant means restore.

5). MOSAIC: covenant means revealed.

6). PALESTINIAN: covenant means return

7). DIDACTIC: covenant means reign.

8). NEW: covenant means regenerate.

Matthew 22:14 KJV

For many are called, but few are chosen.

We are all facing challenges that may lead us to choose not to try our best or to give up but we are invited by God to live by Jesus’ example and by persevering, helping others and trying hard we can be chosen; just like Abraham and Moses who we have been learning about.

To be chosen, a person must accept his or her calling, be grateful for it, and move forward in serving God and His Son. However, being called is not enough to be a Saint. We must respond to that calling (invitation). Positive action is required!

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