You will complete a comprehensive health assessment of a child/adolescent.


You will complete a comprehensive health assessment of a child/adolescent.

This should NOT be a patient you have encountered in your work but, instead, should be a family member or friend (who gives consent) or preferably a patient in clinical. You should note that all information will be confidential and that their private information will NOT be shared as part of this assignment.

Your assessment should be comprehensive, and you should refer to course texts to inform items for inclusion in your assessment. Keep in mind that you will be responsible for covering those areas addressed in the reading assignments up to this point. The documentation should remain HIPAA-compliant even though this is not a real patient. DO NOT USE REAL PATIENT IDENTIFIERS. Be sure to include birth and developmental information as well as school and behavior information for the child. Consider cultural, gender, ethnicity, spiritual, and social competencies needed to formulate the best care plan for the patient.

The patient will be referred to as Jane Doe or Jack Doe.

Please include a scholarly reference

Case Study Rubric

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSubjective Data10 ptsLevel 5Includes all relevant subjective data necessary for differentiation of the client’s problem. Data is presented in a systematic, organized manner consistently.7 ptsLevel 3Includes most subjective data with omission of two minor details or one major detail. Most data is presented in a systematic, organized manner.4 ptsLevel 1Includes subjective data but omits four minor details or two major details. Some data is presented in a systematic, organized manner.0 ptsLevel 0Does not meet the Section10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeObjective Data10 ptsLevel 5Objective data is complete and consistently presented in an organized manner.7 ptsLevel 3Objective data is complete and presented in an organized manner most of the time.4 ptsLevel 1Objective data is not complete or is not presented in an organized manner.0 ptsLevel 0Does not meet the Section10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssessment10 ptsLevel 5Assessment, including differential and/or diagnosis (if appropriate), is complete and appropriate to client. Diagnostics are complete and appropriate to clients.7 ptsLevel 3Assessment, including differential and/or diagnosis (if appropriate), is complete but some may not be appropriate for clients.4 ptsLevel 1Assessment, including differential and/or diagnosis (if appropriate), is not complete but is appropriate.0 ptsLevel 0Does not meet the Section10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePlan10 ptsLevel 5Plan includes all relevant measures 95% to 100%. Pharmacologic Non-pharmacologic Education Referral Follow-up7 ptsLevel 3Plan includes all relevant measures 89% to 94% Pharmacologic Non-Pharmacologic Education Referral Follow-up.4 ptsLevel 1Plan includes four of the five relevant measures, but the four are complete.0 ptsLevel 0Does not meet the Section10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProfessional Application10 ptsLevel 5Case incorporates four evidence-based practice articles.7 ptsLevel 3Case incorporates three evidence-based practice articles.4 ptsLevel 1Does not include an evidence-based practice article but has two or more advanced practice articles.0 ptsLevel 0Does not meet the Section10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCollege-level academic writing10 ptsLevel 5Includes no more than three grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors that do not interfere with the readability. Meets the assignment length requirements.7 ptsLevel 3Includes no more than four grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors that do not interfere with the readability. Meets the length requirements.4 ptsLevel 1Includes five or more grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors make understanding parts of assignment difficult but does not interfere with readability. Meets the length requirements.0 ptsLevel 0Does not meet the Section10 pts


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