3 short simple questions regarding my thoughts on specific poems/books

Learning Goal: I’m working on a english writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

In 1-2 paragraphs for EACH QUESTION answer them. remember 1-2 paragraphs per question. Let me know if you have any questions but should be super easy.

  1. In your opinion, is there a difference between reading a play like Sweat and reading a novel like Salvage the Bones? Explain.
  2. What were your first impressions of our required poetry collections, Wild Hundreds and Imperial Liquor? Did you have any expectations about what the books would be about or how reading poetry would feel? Did your opinion change?
  3. Based on the revelations and changes they experience in the story, use your imagination to describe the future of a character from Sweat or Salvage the Bones. What do you think happens next for them?
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