Which Two Sites Are You Going to Visit or Watch Online?


For this assignment, you need to tell me which two houses worship you are planning to visit or watch online for your Site Visit Assignment. I highly recommend that you try to visit one house of worship in-person, because it is really a great experience to physically be in another religion’s sacred space, but I also understand that this is an online, condensed class, so fitting that into your schedule may not be possible. So you are welcome to also watch a LIVESTREAM of a religious service instead. After the pandemic, many houses of worship still livestream their services so that people can virtually attend them if they are unable to attend in-person.

At the end of the Week One Module, I included a page called Ideas for Houses of Worship to Visit (virtually or in-person) that will give you more ideas for places to go or watch their live-streamed services. This is definitely not an exhaustive list, so it is definitely fine if the house of worship you choose is not on that list – I just wanted to give students some ideas if they have a particular religion that they want to learn more about but are not sure how to find a house of worship that corresponds to that tradition locally.

Be sure to include the name of the site, the date that you plan to visit (or watch online), and what tradition and sub-tradition the house of worship belongs to, if that information is available. For example, if it is a Lutheran Church, you can let me know that it is a Christian house of worship within the Lutheran denomination, or if it’s a Zen Buddhist Temple, you can let me know that it is a Buddhist house of worship within the Mahayana denomination.

You must also include at least one sentence (more is fine!) explaining why you chose these particular sites. It could be because you were interested in these traditions, one of them is your home house of worship, or because someone you know attends that site, so you were able to go as their guest.

Requirements: read the instructions.

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