
Assignment 1

SUBMIT original code in Python to solve the problem below.  

Please be aware that copying and pasting code from any other source other than code you have explicitly written on your own is considered plagiarism.  If you receive help, that is fine (document help in the comments of your code) however you need to write your own code, name your own variables, and comment your own code. Students turning in the exact same work as another student will all be given zeros. Plagiarism is not tolerated, and students found to be plagiarizing will be given a zero and reported to the University with the possibility of termination of the class and degree program.

Write a python program that implements a text-based menu. The menu should present the user with the following 4 choices:

  • Option 1: Append data to the input buffer
    • This option will prompt the user for a string and append it to any previous input that has been provided.
  • Option 2: Clear the input buffer
    • This option will clear any data that has been previously input.
  • Option 3: Display the input buffer
    • This option will print to the screen whatever input data is currently being saved.
  • Option 4: Exit the program


  • Include the comment heading at the top of your code.
    • # Program Name: (use the name the program is saved as)
    • # Course: IT3883/Section XXX
    • # Student Name: John Doe
    • # Assignment Number: Lab#
    • # Due Date: xx/xx/ 20XX
    • # Purpose: What does the program do (in a few sentences)?
    • # List Specific resources used to complete the assignment.
  • Place comments within your code explaining the programming segments
  • Submit the .py file and a screen shot of the output to the Assignment 1 dopbox in D2L.
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