In 200 to 250 words describe whether Aristotle, James Murphy, or George Kennedy’s definitions of rhetoric match your own experiences. How do you experience them in your life? Or how are you aware of rhetoric’s use of symbolic meanings? Write your submission in the form of a narrative. Tell me a story.

In 200 to 250 words describe whether Aristotle, James Murphy, or George Kennedy’s definitions of rhetoric match your own experiences. How do you experience them in your life? Or how are you aware of rhetoric’s use of symbolic meanings? Write your submission in the form of a narrative. Tell me a story. Cite Herrick to support the conclusions your narrative makes.

You must write in short, crisp paragraphs. Double space every submission. One-paragraph submissions are ugly, ungrammatical, and will earn lower grades.

This assignments will be graded on a 10-point scale. (10 (A), 5 (C), or 0 (F)). When completing these assignments, you are encouraged to think outside the box and provide details form beyond the text (e.g., personal experiences, outside sources, etc.). You will receive the full 10 points for answering the questions completely in depth and creatively, you will receive 5 points for partially answering the questions, scarcely, and not critically and you will receive 0 points for not answering the questions at all or not putting forth any effort. You will be asked short answer questions that define concepts in the text. These assignments must be submitted via the Assignment Dropbox in Canvas.

Please use a normal font (12 points) and double space.

I will deduct points for excessive mistakes in grammar and spelling. Be sure to proofread!

Requirements: 200/250

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