Create Dialog about Technology Distraction

Hello. This is a professional interview. I need help creating a dialog that can last 45-60 minutes in the video. I already prepared 22 questions that you have to follow in order. But when you reply you can add other questions for example: how so, or what were you feeling etc. Have it a life dialog that is happening right now. I’m the person who is interviewing. Make sure to have a full answer.

  1. How do you feel about modern technology, such as phones/tablets/computer/games and the distractions that come with them?
  2. Do you feel in your daily life that you are dependent on technology? If so, are you able to share how?
  3. In what way is technology distracting?
    1. In what ways has technology improved your life and ability to work?
  4. What is your first-hand experience with distractions caused by technology?
  5. How frequently do you find yourself distracted by technology?
  6. When do you find yourself most often distracted by technology and how does it start?
  7. Can you tell me about an experience where technology distracted you from an important task? If you can, please walk me through the act of being distracted by technology.
  8. What are the most appealing aspect(s) of that distraction? (i.e. easy interface, interesting content, quick dopamine boost, etc.)
  9. Are there any patterns in moments when you are distracted by technology?
  10. How does being distracted by technology affect you? How have you been impacted?
  11. How does this affect others around you?
  12. How have you connected with peers, experts, or others about technology distraction?
  13. How do you find a balance between using technology and your regular activity?
  14. What’s the most challenging part about being distracted by technology?
  15. How do you currently address that challenge?
  16. What workarounds, if any, have you created or implemented to help solve being distracted by technology?
  17. What other tools have you used in the past to diminish technological distractions?
  18. Was there a time that you were so overwhelmed or distracted by technology that you intentionally disconnected yourself from it?
    1. What led to that decision, and what was the outcome?
  19. How important is it to find a solution to technological distractions and why?
  20. What might be the consequences for you of not doing anything about technological distractions?
  21. What might the benefits be of doing something about the distraction of technology? Specifically, what would that look like to you?
  22. In your opinion, how can technology be modified to minimize distraction?

Requirements: 45-60 minutes

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