Zoology Case Study

Case Study Question:

You are a zoologist tasked with conducting a comprehensive study on the effects of climate change on Arctic wildlife. Choose one keystone species from the Arctic ecosystem (e.g., polar bear, Arctic fox, reindeer, seal) and address the following questions:

Species Overview:

Provide a detailed overview of the chosen keystone species, including its biology, behavior, and ecological role within the Arctic ecosystem.

Climate Change Indicators:

Examine specific indicators of climate change in the Arctic, such as rising temperatures, changes in ice cover, and alterations in seasonal patterns. How are these changes impacting the habitat and resources crucial for the chosen species?

Adaptations and Vulnerabilities:

Analyze the species’ adaptations to the extreme Arctic conditions and discuss how these adaptations may become advantageous or disadvantageous in the face of changing climate conditions.

Shifts in Distribution and Range:

Investigate any observed or predicted shifts in the distribution and range of the species. How are changing environmental conditions influencing the species’ migratory patterns, if applicable?

Prey-Predator Dynamics:

Explore the interconnected relationships between the chosen species and its prey or predators. How are changes in the distribution and abundance of prey affecting the species, and how does it, in turn, impact its predators or competitors?

Conservation Concerns:

Evaluate the conservation status of the chosen species, considering the potential threats posed by climate change. Are there specific conservation measures in place, and what recommendations would you propose for the future conservation of this species?

Human Impact:

Discuss any direct or indirect effects of climate change on the traditional practices or livelihoods of Arctic Indigenous communities. How might human activities exacerbate or mitigate the challenges faced by the chosen species?

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