9 System Troubleshooting


The lab aims to introduce engineering students to current industry practices that utilize Hexadecimal and Binary data to provide the user with system status. In industry, the engineer designing the system uses the tools taught in the class to isolate specific BITs from other information being transmitted. The class focuses on the digital design aspect and uses hypothetical results whereas this lab gaps the ideal of the results being tied to something tangible.

This is a two-part lab; the student has 1 week to turn in the lab report. Part two is assigned after the first lab has been completed.


  1. Each Lab is comprised of three sections: Background, findings, and Conclusion
  2. Task 1 -3 will be answered under the Finding Section whereas task 4 is answered under the conclusion section. You will be expected to show your calculations. After you convert to binary, annotate the bit with the associated fault.

PART 1 Lab (20 points):


You are a new field engineer assigned to support a Top-Secret Radar Drone designed to detect hand-held weapons on individuals. One of the technicians requests your assistance in help troubleshooting and fault isolating the failure of the Receiver Transmitter (R/T) unit. During BIT testing, he received a Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS) fault. He has replaced LVPS but still receives the same BIT fault 48000002 (hexadecimal word). The software designer designed the BIT test to output a “1” when a fault is detected. A “0” output represents a no-fault condition.

Task 1:

  1. Convert 48000002 (hexadecimal word) into Binary. Include your calculation and identify the MSB and LSB (5 points)
  2. Use the first tab in the excel sheet “RT Cross Reference” to cross-reference Bit error to the subsystem. Remember a Bit “0” is a no-fault status. write down the fault next to the BIT. (5 points)
  3. Read the “RT description” doc to see if isolate a fault in a circuit card. If you don’t know what needs to be replaced, you can create a test plan. (5 points)
  4. In one paragraph summarize the failure(s) and provide a brief description of how the failure affects the RT. (5 points)
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