Case 2: Prior Ageism Allegations at Google, Facebook and IBM Raise Concerns About Older Workers Being Targeted For Termination

Case 2: Prior Ageism Allegations at Google, Facebook and IBM Raise Concerns About Older Workers Being Targeted For Termination

Jack Kelly, Senior Contributor, Forbes. 1 Feb 17, 2023

Amid a white-collar recession with thousands of tech, Wall Street, media, real estate and other sectors shedding jobs at an alarming rate, there are concerns that older workers will be targeted. “When employees are let go during times of economic uncertainty, older workers may be especially vulnerable,” Marketplace reported. A study by economists Gordon Dahl and Matthew Knepper scrutinized the proliferation of age discrimination during recessions. Their research shows that complaints filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission concerning age related firing allegations rose for each percentage point increase in a state’s monthly unemployment numbers. In 2020, Brent Arends wrote in an op-ed for MarketWatch, “Age discrimination in the jobs market, which is supposedly illegal, goes up in recessions. Some employers take the opportunity to ax experienced workers who are paid a reasonable wage, and replace them with cheap, desperate kids who will put up with anything.” Arends further cites research from the National Bureau of Economic Research that found “age discrimination rises hand in hand with the unemployment rate.” Older workers tend to be the last hired and the first fired. ‘Dinobabies’ Last year, according to a court filing in an age discrimination case against IBM, it was alleged that executives at the company openly discussed in emails forcing out older workers, referring to them as “dinobabies” who should be made an “extinct species.” The filing revealed communications showing “highly incriminating animus” against older employees by officials who, at the time, were in the company’s “highest ranks.”

In an internal email chain, there was a plan to “accelerate change by inviting the ‘dinobabies’ (new species) to leave” and turn them into an “extinct species.” Bloomberg reported, “Company officials also complained about IBM’s ‘dated maternal workforce’ that ‘must change,’ and discussed frustration that IBM had a much lower share of Millennials in its workforce than a competitor, but said its share would increase following layoffs, according to the filing.”

In a statement, an IBM spokesperson said the tech company “never engaged in systematic age discrimination and it terminated employees because of changing business conditions, not because of their age.”

Ageism In Job Descriptions

Job descriptions posted on company career sites and job boards usually call for candidates with three to seven years of experience. You rarely see a job listing that requires 20 to 30 years of relevant experience. Many job advertisements demand knowledge and competencies with technology systems and use technical terminology that may not resonate with older workers. The use of corporate titles like “assistant vice president” and “associate” dissuade more senior job candidates from applying—due to embarrassment over taking a so-called junior role. Ageism becomes a challenge for workers in their mid-to late-30s. One reason is that older workers tend to get paid more than younger workers. From a financial standpoint, if 20-year professionals earning $250,000 are laid off, it will save more than downsizing 20-something-year-olds with $50,000 salaries. Moreover, there are biases baked into the decisions too. Baby Boomers are perceived as less tech-savvy, set in their ways and wanting to take control due to their seniority.

Google’s Age Discrimination Lawsuit

In 2019, Google settled an age discrimination lawsuit concerning its hiring practices. Cheryl Fillekes, the lead plaintiff in the class[1]action lawsuit, claimed she was not offered employment at Google despite her “highly pertinent qualifications and programming experience.” Fillekes asserted that she was denied a job because of her age and accused the company of “a systematic pattern and practice of discriminating against older people. More than 200 job seekers over 40 who applied for positions at Google were awarded a settlement of $11 million. The tech giant was told to train employees and management about age bias, form a committee focused on age diversity—with respect to recruiting— and ensure age-related complaints are fully investigated to comply with the settlement terms.

Two months later, a legal complaint was filed by plaintiff Rodney Broome in Santa Clara County Superior Court accusing Google of age discrimination and harassment. The claimant asserted that Google and one of its managers allegedly engaged in age discrimination. The supervisor in the complaint was accused of waging a campaign of harassment against the 72-year-old Broome and allegedly intentionally inflicted emotional distress on him because of his age. Allegations were raised that Broome was told by his boss that he was “old and slow.” He was allegedly called a “grandpa” who acted as if he was “in retirement mode,” as well as criticized as a “worthless piece of shit.” Facebook And Other Age-Related, Class Action Lawsuits In the past, companies could use Facebook’s job-platform screening tools to only show their job listings to job seekers of a certain age. It was alleged that some companies excluded older workers from being able to view job advertisements. Subsequently, a class-action lawsuit was filed alleging that the corporations utilized Facebook’s platform and analytics to share jobs with and only target younger prospective job seekers. Older potential applicants never had the chance to view the ads and, therefore, could not apply. In a cost-cutting initiative, Verizon, the largest telecommunications company, offered a “voluntary separation program” to its employees, alleged to be a means to a massive layoff of older workers. In 2018, IBM terminated the employment of roughly 20,000 American employees over 40, amounting to more than 60% of its total U.S. job cuts. A class-action lawsuit was filed on behalf of former IBM employees asserting age discrimination in its job cuts.

  1. What is the problem/s described above? (Pinpoint the main issue/s described in the article, they may be legal issues or ethical ones).
  2. What are the causes? (Why is this happening? What underlying causes can lead people and organizations to behave in this manner? What internal and external forces would be responsible for what is happening?)
  3. What solutions would you propose? (What overall solutions would you propose? How can you use your people management skills and knowledge to address the underlying causes described above – make sure your solutions are practical, acknowledge both pros and cons).

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