A. What did Martinson claim? B. What did he later say he really meant by those comments? For this, you will need to click on Martinson Repudiated “Nothing Works!” → link at the bottom of the article. C. How did this flawed information effect social and criminological attitudes (and, therefore, tax dollars and legislation) about rehabilitation? D. What was the fate of Mr. Martinson?

1. Robert Martinson is mentioned on page 1 of your text. Read this article, “Robert Martinson and Nothing works” at


A. What did Martinson claim? B. What did he later say he really meant by those comments? For this, you will need to click on Martinson Repudiated “Nothing Works!” → link at the bottom of the article. C. How did this flawed information effect social and criminological attitudes (and, therefore, tax dollars and legislation) about rehabilitation? D. What was the fate of Mr. Martinson?

2. Between 1980 and 2010, what was the increase in the state and federal prison population in the U.S?

3. Did rates of recidivism decrease because of mass incarceration?

4. For those released from prison, how many of them are rearrested within 6 months of release?

5. Overall, what percentage of people released from prison are:

A. Rearrested?

B. Re-convicted?

C. Re-imprisoned with a new sentence?

6. Lastly, according to your text, why is reentry important?

All posts must include copy/pasted questions, in-text citations~ including page numbers~ references, and only 2 sentences of quoted material is permitted.

A thorough response is required. It is not possible to “over-answer” a question but is easy to “under-answer” one. I will grade according to content, quality, grammar, spelling, accuracy of answer to the questions based on the reading and not opinion, correct citations, and thoroughness of each post throughout this semester.

Correct citation formatting:

In-text citations:

“Sociological jurisprudence is the view that part of law should be devoted to making or shaping public policy and social rules. It is the view that law should be responsive to the changing conditions of our society (Hartley et al., 2018, p. 14).”


Hartley, R. D., Rabe, G. A., and Champion, D. J. (2018). Criminal courts: Structure, process, and issues. New York, NY: Pearson.

Requirements: Answers to the questions just have to be answered thoroughly with context.

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