Develop the algorithm/flowchart to solve the exact problem below. The algorithm/flowchart should have the following exact/precise steps, variable names, messages, computation, and format

Assignment 1A tests your knowledge of algorithms and flowcharts (Chapters 1, 1A and 1B). For the assignment you are going to develop a specific algorithm and create the flowchart for it. All
the file and variable names are exact/precise so call them as requested.
Part 1. Develop the algorithm/flowchart to solve the exact problem below. The algorithm/flowchart should have the following exact/precise steps, variable names, messages, computation, and format:

  1. Output a message “Please enter a Number: ” that asks the user to enter a number.
  2. Input a value from the user into a variable called Number. This can be any number the user
    wants; do not hardcode a value.
  3. Compute the area of the square1 with the side Number and store it in a variable called
  4. Compute the area of the circle2 with the length Number and width 2*Number and store it
    in a variable called AreaRectangle.
  5. Output a message “The area of the square is “.
  6. Output the value of the variable AreaSquare.
  7. Output a message “The area of the rectangle is “
  8. Output the value of the variable AreaRectangle.
    Your flowchart should be general and work on any number, and you should not hardcode the
    Number or the 2 Areas (e.g. do not INPUT 3, COMPUTE AreaSquare=9, etc )– your algorithm
    should input the Number from the user and compute the areas based on the Number. Also, your
    algorithms should not input, output, or compute more than requested (e.g. do input side,
    length, width, etc, you should only input the Number).
    Part 2. Draw the flowchart in Microsoft Word. Create a Microsoft Word document from the
    attached YourName-Assignment1A.docx template and call it YourName-Assignment1A.docx
    (replace YourName with your actual name) and draw the flowchart in it using Shapes to draw
    the symbols/shapes and lines. If the flowchart is longer than a page, you can continue to the
    second page. Please keep the flowchart vertical like it should always be.
    Part 3. Submit your work: Submit YourName-Assignment1A.docx on eCampus under the
    Assignment 1A. Do not archive the files (e.g. no RAR, ZIP, etc.) or submit other types/formats of
    files (e.g. no CLASS, PDF, JAVA, CPP, etc.). Please take time after submitting to review the file
    and check it is correct and resubmit it if there are any errors.
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