Please watch the videos below for explanations of the high-low method and regression analysis:


This assignment requires you to apply the concepts learned in this module in a real-world setting. Please review the PDF file below for the assignment details:

Module 3 Caesars EntertainmentLinks to an external site.

Module 3 Caesars Entertainment_Data SetLinks to an external site.

Please watch the videos below for explanations of the high-low method and regression analysis:

Module 3 Case Study Videos


Please submit two files:

  • Your memo in a Word file – use a memo format! Be sure to address all of Logan’s questions. You should use complete sentences, proper grammar, and appropriate expression of ideas for professional correspondence.
  • Your analysis in Excel – clearly label your work! Please use Excel capabilities to calculate numbers – don’t just type the answers.

View Rubric

Case Study – Module 3
Technical Analysis: High/Low Method25 ptsExemplaryIdentifies all technical analysis that is appropriate and performs it correctly20 ptsGoodIdentifies some technical analysis that is appropriate and/or performs most of it correctly10 ptsRudimentaryLimited, incomplete or incorrect technical analysis0 ptsUnacceptableFails to identify and perform technical analysis/ 25 pts
Technical Analysis: Regression25 ptsExemplaryIdentifies all technical analysis that is appropriate and performs it correctly20 ptsGoodIdentifies some technical analysis that is appropriate and/or performs most of it correctly10 ptsRudimentaryLimited, incomplete or incorrect technical analysis0 ptsUnacceptableFails to identify and perform technical analysis/ 25 pts
Conclusions, Implications, and Consquences25 ptsExemplaryConclusion is comprehensive and objectively reflects on assertions; derived from analysis; considers implications and consequences20 ptsGoodConclusion derived from analysis; some consideration of implications and/or consequences10 ptsRudimentaryConclusion is somewhat derived from analysis; limited consideration of implications and/or consequences0 ptsUnacceptableFails to identify conclusions, implications, and consequences/ 25 pts
Memo25 ptsExemplaryCommunicated comprehensively and logically; main points are presented and supported well; language and memo format are professional; free of grammar, punctuation and spelling errors20 ptsGoodCommunicated reasonably well with logical flow; most main points are presented and supported reasonably well; language is mostly professional; failed to use a professional memo format; limited grammar, punctuation and spelling errors10 ptsRudimentaryPoorly communicated; lacking logical flow; many main points are not presented or supported well; language is somewhat professional; failed to use a professional memo format; frequent grammar, punctuation and spelling errors0 ptsUnacceptableFails to communicate results/ 25 pts
Total Points: 0

Requirements: 1 – 2 pages

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