report on Uranus

  1. Background [12pts]:


  • Where is the location?
  • What previous missions/spacecraft have explored this location?
  • What was the objective of the missions exploring there or was it frontier exploration?


  • Excellent [11-12pts]: Contains evidence for answering all 3 prompts with each meeting high standards.
  1. Data [12pts]:


  • What types of instruments have been used to collect data about this location?
  • What kind of data has been collected (samples, pictures, measurements)?
  • What is the data going to be used for (i.e. learning about geology, mapping certain aspects of the surface, doing atmospheric science, etc.)?


  • Excellent [11-12pts]: Contains evidence for answering all 3 prompts with each meeting high standards.
  1. Phenomenon [18pts]:


  • What phenomena have been observed?
  • What makes this location special in regards to observed phenomena?
  • What aspects of this location are unique in the solar system, or archetypical?
  • What are the important discoveries that have been associated with this location?


  • Excellent [16-18pts]: Contains evidence for answering all 4 prompts with each meeting high standards.
  1. Processes [18pts]:


  • What processes have been suggested to explain why the observed features and phenomena occur?
  • What aspects of this location have helped build better understanding of these processes?
  • Where else in the solar system do these processes occur (or have been speculated to occur)?


  • Excellent [16-18pts]: Contains evidence for answering all 3 prompts with each meeting high standards.
  1. Future study [18pts]:


  • What questions remain unanswered?
  • What competing theories are there?
  • What evidence has been provided as support for each theory?
  • What new evidence will help resolve disputes and answer the remaining questions?


  • Excellent [16-18pts]: Contains evidence for answering 3 out of 4 prompts with each meeting high standards.

Clarity [24 pts]: The ease that the reader understands the information in the report. Use of

figures, equations, charts (which should all have captions) can greatly improve clarity and

complement the descriptions and explanations that are provided in the text of the report.


  • Contains at least 2 visual items such as figures / drawings / graphs / charts
  • Each visual item is labeled, includes a caption, and is referenced in the text with additional description
  • The information contained in the report is highly organized


  • Excellent [20-24pts]: Contains all 3 criteria with all 3 meeting high standards.

Proper use of citation [12 pts]: All text should be written in your own words, and citations

should be provided to indicate the sources of information following APA 7 guidelines. A separate page of references used should be included at the end of your report. In the very rare case that highly technical, or complex, information cannot be paraphrased without significant degradation of the meaning, then it becomes appropriate to use quotations. These should be placed around any significant amounts of text (long phrases or sentences) that are identical to those in the cited reference. Otherwise, any information that was paraphrased in your own words needs to include the citation immediately following it.

Bibliography [6pts]: You should have at least 3 primary sources, with 4-6 usually being adequate, and having more than 10 would probably be a bit excessive. You can find documents on the NASA website, Wikipedia, web searches, or using google scholar.

please don’t use Ai and please paraphrase. Please try and utilise the these sources below + other sources you find and cite using APA 7. Include photos that you see fit.

– attached is an example 🙂

Requirements: around 7 pages including photos

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