To ensure Amal’s success, and the success of future employees, what aspects of the performance management process need revision? Also, how can future performance management aspects be successfully addressed?

520 Managing Perform – Dis 2

The below figure provides an overview of the performance management process and its associated components. There are many critical factors that contribute to the successful implementation of a performance management system. Failure to understand these factors can result in issues for organizations, leaders, and employees.

Consider the scenario below and explain how each aspect of the performance management process, as noted in the figure, can be altered/addressed to ensure employees success.


When Amal was hired on for her role as an Administrative Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer, she was thrilled about the opportunity to work for Organization ABC. Unfortunately, the information provided in her job description was limited. After a month on the job, despite receiving two days of training from the person Amal replaced, Amal’s supervisor noticed that her performance was inadequate. Amal’s current supervisor knows that she is a phenomenal worker, based upon past employer references. 

Response Items to Address

To ensure Amal’s success, and the success of future employees, what aspects of the performance management process need revision? Also, how can future performance management aspects be successfully addressed?


When thinking of future performance management components, focus on performance execution, performance assessment, and performance review. When thinking about Amal’s experience in the scenario, think about prerequisites and performance planning.


  • Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate. 
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