How do we eliminate opportunity gaps in education? In the Inclusion Solution, read a short article by Valda Valbrun to understand more fully the meaning of providing every student an opportunity to succeed.

How do we eliminate opportunity gaps in education? In the Inclusion Solution, read a short article by Valda Valbrun to understand more fully the meaning of providing every student an opportunity to succeed.

Equity vs. Equality: Eliminating Opportunity Gaps in Education.

Click the link below to read Joseph Levitan’s (2016) discussion about what he thinks the most important aspects of research are : Asking the right question. In this essay, he examines three pressing questions:

1. What is educational equality?

2. What is educational equity?

3. What is just education?

Read here.

. Click on the link “Loch Ness Monster” in blue at the end of the next sentence. Watch and Listen to Stewart Lee giving his opinion to a Scottish audience about whether or not there might really be a Loch Ness Monster.Links to an external site.

  1. After watching this short segment, explain why people laugh when he says, ” I think…” after reciting a long list of subjects he says he knows nothing about. Explain using what you have learned about giving an informed vs a professional opinion.
  2. What is the difference between saying, ” I think this” and “I think that” when you are a lay person and “I think this” or “I think that” as a licensed professional teacher? How does the public view a licensed professional’s opinion? How will parents view your opinion when you give it to them regarding their child’s progress, potential, development and performance?
  3. What is an “Informed Professional Opinion”(supported by citations from reputable professional, published sources) and what is a “Lay person’s opinion” (not supported by citations) ? Write 2 examples. Write an example of each type of opinion (use APA style for the Informed Professional Opinion example) and describe how you will prepare for and write an informed professional opinion in this class. Do not use Webster’s definition. Create your definition from the information in Module One. If you have no idea how to write an informed professional opinion using APA citation style, examine the “Examples of Discussions.” For example, here is how it looks to write an example of each type of opinion:
    Informed professional opinion:According to Gollnick and Chinn (2021), a pluralistic approach to public education is most effective.Layperson’s opinion:I believe it is good to teach all students.


i attached the second part of the assignment

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