The Written Case Study is the assessment for the Course Learning Outcome, “Students will examine through a written Case Study, two etiological causes, three symptoms, and two forms of treatment for a mental disorder.” This is to be submitted on canvas as PDF or WORD file only. No other files will be accepted.

The Written Case Study is the assessment for the Course Learning Outcome, “Students will examine through a written Case Study, two etiological causes, three symptoms, and two forms of treatment for a mental disorder.” This is to be submitted on canvas as PDF or WORD file only. No other files will be accepted.

Your written case study assignment is worth 80 points, and is due uploaded to Canvas on the date listed on your syllabus. Your case study is to be the equivalent of four pages, double-spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman font, no more than 1.25 inch margins left and right sides (please keep the paper as close to these requirements as possible when uploaded into Canvas). Your written case study must address the following: two etiological causes (worth up to 20 points), three symptoms (worth up to 30 points), and two forms of treatment for a mental disorder (worth up to 20 points). Please number and bold font these causes, symptoms, and forms of treatment. Five points will be allotted for proper in-text APA style citations (required), as well as five points for proper APA style References at the end of the paper (required). Please also address some of the other information listed below as pertinent to your case.

You will select a mental disorder on which to write your case study. To write your case study, carefully consider the symptoms of the disorder as listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 (DSM 5). The DSM-5 is available in the ELAC Library Reference Office under the following call number: REF RC 455.2 .C4 D536 2000. The APA style reference for the DSM-5 is as follows: Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental health disorders: DSM-5 (5th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing.

In your case study, you will write about a fictional person, someone you create with your own imagination, who has the mental disorder you are writing about. Be as creative as you can. In the case study, you should list the following things, in “narrative form”. This means that you will not merely write sentences addressing each of these points, but rather, will write a cohesive description of this person and their life.

There are mini-case studies in your textbook that you can refer to as a reference for helping you create your own unique case study. Your case study will be considerably more in-depth than those in the text, as yours will be longer and will have more detail.

Address these points in your case study in narrative form, along with anything else you would like to include:

  • Name of person, age, ethnicity/ethnicities, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation, geographic location, ability status (disabled/able bodied), etc..
  • Profession, student status, etc..
  • Personal life: who live with, where, for how long, kids, etc…
  • Social world: Who are their friends, what are the person’s hobbies, etc…
  • Family history: parents, siblings, where grew up, how this affected current disorder. Relevant information regarding level of family functioning and support; family history of psychopathology, alcoholism, abuse, etc…
  • Past psychological problems, previous therapy, medical problems.
  • Symptoms and how they affect them personally, and how it affects their functioning in the different areas of their life.
  • What types of behaviors are they exhibiting? What have they done to make their disorder better, if anything?
  • Finally, pretend that you were to offer recommendations as to what this person should do to treat their problem. What would the goals of therapy be? How would you treat the disorder? Would you recommend individual or group counseling, medication, other treatments?
  • NOTE: You are not limited to only covering the bullet points above. If there are other things you would like to include, please feel free to do so.
  • please do apa format
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