Please review the article on “Spark City,” an employee training app developed and made available for the general public by Walmart.

Analyze the decision of Walmart to develop and release virtual training app

Please review the article on “Spark City,” an employee training app developed and made available for the general public by Walmart. Also, to get an idea of how the app works, please watch a short YouTube clip. After reading the article, please conduct a brief analysis to argue Walmart’s possible intent of the creation of this app in 2019.Your analysis should employ at least one theoretical framework from either Marketing, Economics, or Operations Research. For example, you can argue that the motive behind the creation was economies of scale and provide the reasoning. It is important to note that there is no definitive correct answer. The aim of this exercise is to encourage you to understand retailers’ behaviors by using analytical models in these disciplines.No data work is necessary. Your response should be a single paragraph. While playing the game on Google Play or Apple iTunes might offer additional insights, it is not a prerequisite for this analysis (note that the version in Google Play only supports older operating systems).



YouTube clip:

Format: One paragraph, 12-point Times New Roman font, single spacing

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