conspiracy theory

Greetings and salutations!

For this short essay, we’re going to have a little fun with conspiracy theories. The essay will have three parts, each about one page in length (2-3 pages total, not including citations). 

The first section should be a summary of the conspiracy theory you selected – just basic information about it is fine. You are welcome to use a Wikipedia article for this background information; just be sure to quote/cite it.

In the second section, you will write in support of the conspiracy theory – a Google search should help you to find articles about the topic you select from the list below. Attempt to find two articles that appear “scientific” or “official.” Summarize for us how the articles you found “prove” the theory.

In the third section of the essay, you will find two sources that “disprove” or “debunk” your conspiracy theory. Use Academic Search Complete (or another library database) to find those articles. 

Finally, you will include a list of citations in APA format.

Essays should be submitted in .PDF format in this Dropbox. Please use 12 pt, single space formatting. 

Have fun with this! There is a lot of wild information out there about conspiracy theories, and much of it looks scientific. It is good to be aware of it!

Your conspiracy theory choices are:

* The moon landing was faked
* The Earth is flat
* The world is run by lizard men
* A UFO crashed in Roswell, New Mexico
* The Loch Ness Monster is real

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