(1) Thoroughly describe the intended target markets (TM) for your global business venture. Describe the intended ultimate end-user based on the information provided in Chapter 3 of our textbook and describe the business-to-business (B2B) supply chain necessary to make your product/service available for household consumption (Chapter 4).

(1) Thoroughly describe the intended target markets (TM) for your global business venture. Describe the intended ultimate end-user based on the information provided in Chapter 3 of our textbook and describe the business-to-business (B2B) supply chain necessary to make your product/service available for household consumption (Chapter 4).

(2) Discuss what segmentation variables will be needed to identify, reach, and evaluate the viability of the target markets you have described above. What are your value propositions and how will you communicate that information through positioning activities?

This discussion builds off of the previous assignment

see attached for the more information

Global business venture we choose: House maintenance subscription

Requirements: 300 words

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