Do you know someone who has been diagnosed with AD? Based on your understanding of Alzheimer’s disease symptoms and the reported effects of marijuana, which symptoms do you think medical marijuana could relieve; and what action would you predict the marijuana is having in the nervous system?

the intent is to connect the material with your own experience outside of this class. You need both parts of this equation for credit (evidence of the course concepts and your relevant experience). If you do not have an idea you would like to share, you may choose to answer the following guided question: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is on Illinois’ list for approved illnesses to be treated with medical marijuana. Do you know someone who has been diagnosed with AD? Based on your understanding of Alzheimer’s disease symptoms and the reported effects of marijuana, which symptoms do you think medical marijuana could relieve; and what action would you predict the marijuana is having in the nervous system?

Second reminder: for credit your post (1) must be about this week’s material; (2) must connect to life outside of the course; (3) correctly use concepts and terms; and be (4) posted by the end of the module.

second thing : Answer these questions

1. How would a monist and a dualist pursue the study of behavioral neuroscience differently?

2. Discuss the interaction between heredity and environment in influencing behavior, including the concept of vulnerability.

3. Describe the ion movements and voltage changes that make up the neural impulse, from graded potential (at the axon hillock) to recovery.

4. Discuss the ways in which the synapse increases the neuron’s capacity for transmitting information.

5. Describe neural networks and explain their importance.

6. Describe the specific behaviors you would expect to see in a person with prefrontal cortex damage.

7. Describe compensation and reorganization in recovery from brain damage, giving examples.

8. In what ways does the brain show plasticity after birth?

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