Using Business Analyst Online to perform and share market analysis

Using Business Analyst Online to perform and share market analysis

Use Points of Interest search methods to examine a business in the St. Louis region (MO counties: St. Louis city, St. Louis county, Jefferson, Franklin, St. Charles AND IL counties; St. Clair, Monroe, and Madison) that has at least 5 locations. Identify the 3 locations with the highest sales volume and create sites for each based on a 5 minute drive time. Consider the business sector you’ve selected and propose 4-5 demographic factors that would describe the customer base for this product or service. Use the site with the highest sales volume and the 2020 Census 2020 Profile and the Community Profile Reports to determine how closely the area matches your defined customer. Modify the Key Facts infographic to create a custom version (be sure to save this with a new name) that includes a map of the site and the values of the demographic factors you identified. Use your new template to generate an infographic for each of the top 3 sites.

Write a short (3-5 paragraphs) description of the business you selected, their primary product or service, and the target customer base. List the specific demographic factors you’ve chosen and include a statement for each one justifying why you selected it (copy/paste this text into the Text Entry section in the Canvas Assignment).
Combine the 3 infographics that you generated into a single PDF document. (upload to the File Upload tab in the Assignment).


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