
Question 1

How many unique encryption keys are required for 2 people to exchange a series of messages using asymmetric public key cryptogrophy?

1 / 1 point

no keys are required






Question 2

What is Cryptographic Strength?

1 / 1 point

Relies on math, not secrecy

Ciphers that have stood the test of time are public algorithms.

Exclusive Or (XOR) is the “secret sauce” behind modern encryption.

All of the above.


Correct! All of these are critical.


Question 3

What is the primary difference between Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption?

1 / 1 point

Symmetric encryption is inherently more secure than Asymmetric encryption.

Asymmetric uses only single-use keys so a subscription to a key vendor is required to obtain new keys.

The same key is used to both encrypt and decrypt the message.

Symmetric encryption is inherently less secure than Asymmetric encryption.


Correct! That is what is symmetric about the process.


Question 4

Which type of cryptographic attack is characterized by an attack based upon trial and error where many millions of keys may be attempted in order to break the encrypted message?

1 / 1 point

Brute force

Rainbow tables

Social Engineering

Known Plaintext

Known Ciphertext

All of the above.


Correct! Modern computers can make billions of attempts per second, but good encryption could still make the process last billions of years.


Question 5

What is the correct sequence of steps required for Alice to send a message to Bob using asymmetric encryption?

1 / 1 point

Alice and Bob exchange their public keys to confirm each other’s identity and then Alice uses her private key to encrypt the message that Bob can decrypt using his private key.

Alice requests Bob’s public key and uses it to encrypt her message. Alice then sends the encrypted message to Bob who decrypts it using his private key.

Alice and Bob exchange their private keys to confirm each other’s identity and then Alice uses her public key to encrypt the message that Bob can decrypt using his public key.

Alice uses her private key to encrypt her message and then sends it to Bob. Bob requests Alice’s public key and uses it to decrypt the message.


Correct! Alice gets Bob’s public key and uses it to encrypt the message that only Bob’s secret private key can decrypt.

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