What are the two [three, four, five] most significant [central, useful, meaningful, surprising, disturbing] things you have learned so far this term in regard to labor management relations?

Every business student (and probably everybody who actually works) should have a basic familiarity with the laws and concepts that govern the employment relationship — unions, collective bargaining, employee rights, workers’ compensation, workplace safety. From your readings the past few weeks. Answer the following questions:

  1. What are the two [three, four, five] most significant [central, useful, meaningful, surprising, disturbing] things you have learned so far this term in regard to labor management relations? THINGS COVERED SO FAR :collective bargaining, detailed union contracts, and private sector union density decline. the Wagner Act, Taft–Hartley Act, and Landrum–Griffin Act.
  2. What question(s) remain uppermost in your mind?
  3. Now find a case that speaks to you. State –What is the law in the case you have found?Links to an external site.
  4. Discuss why this case speaks to you.

Submit this in an APA formatted paper 1 to 2 pages to the drop box in the classroom. Follow the grade rubric for full points

Requirements: 1-2 pages

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