Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War

There are four questions to choose from and only one needs to be answered about the book of Thucydides II, III, or IV. It needs to be a single spaces full one page paper with:

a) selecting and directly quoting two specific passages from the text
b) explaining and interpreting what you regard as the correct meaning of each passage
c) considering their implications with respect to the text as a whole
d) most importantly, explaining in detail why those two passages constitute important evidence
to answer the specific question you chose to answer

With that, the specific passages need to be from:

Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War
Book II, paragraphs 1-14, 34-65
Book III, paragraphs 2, 8-15, 27, 36-84
Book IV, paragraphs 11-23, 26-41, 46-74, 80, 84-88

Requirements: single spaced full one page

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