Please upload one scholarly paper or conceptual writing sample related to providing mental health services to underserved racial/ethnic minority individuals and communities that demonstrates your ability to write and think critically at the doctoral level.

Please upload one scholarly paper or conceptual writing sample related to providing mental health services to underserved racial/ethnic minority individuals and communities that demonstrates your ability to write and think critically at the doctoral level. Term papers, published journal articles, and original theoretical papers presenting the foundation(s) of your approach to mental health services for racial/ethnic minority populations are all acceptable, as long as they meet the requirements listed below. It is critical that your submission meets these requirements. If it does not, it will not be accepted and your application will be considered incomplete.

  1. Include your name on each page of your paper
  2. Your paper must be double spaced, properly referenced and written within the past 5 years. Citations or references must be in a commonly accepted format such as APA
  3. Limit the body of your paper to 15 double spaced pages (this excludes tables, cover page, and references). Submissions exceeding the limit will not be considered.
  4. If you choose to submit an article published in a refereed journal, you must be the sole author (submit double spaced final proof version of article; co-authored works will not be considered.)
  5. Upload your writing sample as a PDF.

Requirements: 14 pages

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