Deciding whether to hire new team members.

The assignment is to learn about the cost benefit analysis technique through following website:

You need to select ONE of the below scenarios, prepare and post your groups’ cost-benefit analysis on blackboard discussion board in ‘Assignment 1’ forum, showcasing your team learning and findings.

  • Deciding whether to hire new team members.
  • Evaluating a new project or change initiative.
  • Determining the feasibility of a capital purchase


  • The title: The title slide should contain the name and details of the team members and the case study selected.
  • Introduction: Introduce the topic; give an idea about your case.
  • Content: show cost-benefit analysis
  • Conclusion: Summarize your main learning points and findings.
  • References: The write up should have used at least 3 credible sources. Do follow the APA style of referencing.


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