Outline on “High-speed Trail”

  • Create a traditional outline about “High-speed Trail” that follows the format in this downloadable pdf: Example OutlineDownload Example Outline
  • Make sure you fill in the information specific to your topic and your essay.
  • It is recommended that you complete this in a Word document (or other word processing software).
  • Copy and Paste into the Canvas Editor and attach your outline document.
  • Write a paragraph describing the challenges experienced while creating the outline for the paper.
  • What challenges did you experience gathering research?
  • Is there a resource that has been helpful in the process of researching, organizing, and writing the research paper? (This can include software suggestions.)

A. Current Problem:
B. Population/Area of Focus:
C. Key Terms:

Thesis Statement:

II. Background
A. Historical Employment Overview:

D. Gaps in the Research.
III. Major Point 1:
A. Minor Point 1:

B. Minor Point 2:
IV. Major Point 2:
A. Minor Point 1:

B. Minor Point 2:

V. Major Point 3

A. Minor Point 1:
B. Minor Point 2:

VI. Major Point 4:

A. Minor Point 1:

B. Minor Point 2:

VII. Conclusion

A. Restatement of Thesis:

B. Next Steps:


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