Toxicology Question

Question 1

When F1 enters our body, it shall be metabolized by:

A phase 1 metabolism enzyme, such as GSTM1, that adds a chemical hook on it.

A phase 2 metabolism enzyme, such as GSTM1, that adds a chemical hook on it.

A phase 2 metabolism enzyme, such as Cyp3a4 that adds a water tag on it, so it can beeasier to excrete.

A phase 1 metabolism enzyme, such as Cyp3a4, that adds a chemical hook on it.

A phase 1 metabolism enzyme, such as Cyp3a4 that adds a water tag on it, so it can beeasier to excrete.

Question 23.85 pts

Which organ will likely accumulate most F1?



Adipose tissue



Question 33.85 pts

NOAEL (based on toxic dose) is:

0.1mg/kg body weight

Don’s data did not provide this information2024/2/13 下午3:14 Quiz: Midterm 1… 3/13

0.5 mg/kg body weight

1 mg/kg body weight

2 mg/kg body weight

Question 43.85 pts

F1 is a fat-soluble compound. How is F1 transported into circulation and how does itenter the cells?

F1 can freely transport in blood and pass-through the cell membrane to enter the cells.

F1 can freely be transported in the blood but cannot enter the cell.

F1 needs carrier proteins to be transported in the blood and use metabolic energy to passthrough the cell membrane via aquaporin.

F1 needs carrier proteins to be transported in the blood and can freely pass through the cellmembrane to enter the cells.

F1 can freely be transported in the blood and use metabolic energy to pass through the cellmembrane via a transporter.

Question 53.85 pts

If F1 is metabolized by Cyp3a4, based on the introduction in NST11, taking whichdrug or food is not advised?


Taking with any drug or food is fine.



Grapefruit juice2024/2/13 下午3:14 Quiz: Midterm 1… 4/13

Question 63.85 pts

The professor suggests Don to generate chemical derivatives of F1 and test whetherany of them might have a better potential to develop into pharmacotherapy. Donsynthesized F2-F6 and all of them have a lower ED50 than F1. The therapeuticindexes of F2-F6 are 3, 6, 2, 1 and 0.5, respectively. If they are being developed as anew treatment for liver fibrosis, which one, among F2-F6, would be safer?






Question 73.85 pts

In NST11, we introduced mercaptopurine as a drug to treat leukemia. Which of thefollowing statements about this drug is correct:

Low activity of TPMT will increase toxicity.

TPMP activity is not important for the therapeutic effect of mercaptopurine.

Thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) converts mercaptopurine into an inactive metabolite.Therefore, high activity of TPMT will increase toxicity.

Studying TPMP in red blood cells found that its activity is similar among entire the humanpopulation.

High activity of TPMT will increase therapeutic effect.

Question 83.85 pts2024/2/13 下午3:14 Quiz: Midterm 1… 5/13

Which neurotransmitter is involved in fight or flight response?






Question 93.85 pts

Which statement is correct:

Every compound metabolized by phase I and II reaction will be detoxified.

The lung can exert fat soluble compounds

Most chemical compounds can pass through the blood-brain barrier.

For toxicity testing, not all results obtained using in vitro and in silico methods can berecapitulated in vivo.

Toxicity results in the lab are the only factors used for regulating the use of certain chemicals.Technical feasibility, political and legal considerations are not needed.

Question 103.85 pts

How does cocaine exert its effect?

Cocaine is an agonist of the opioid receptor which has a suppressive action on the neuron byclosing the calcium channel.

Cocaine is an antagonist to the opioid receptor, leading to overstimulation of the opioidreceptor, desensitization and loss of neurotransmission.2024/2/13 下午3:14 Quiz: Midterm 1… 6/13

Cocaine is an agonist of the dopamine transporter, so dopamine over-stimulates neurons.

Cocaine is an activator of the dopamine transporter that uptakes most dopamine andreduces neurotransmission.

Cocaine is a blocker of the dopamine transporter; therefore, dopamine cannot be reuptaken,leading to continuous stimulation of the neurons.

Question 113.85 pts

Which description of amphetamines is incorrect:

Amphetamines bind to the presynaptic membrane transporters responsible for the reuptakeof norepinephrine.

Amphetamines can increase dopamine levels in the synaptic region.

Amphetamines mainly damage serotonin neurons.

In high doses, amphetamines inhibit monoamine oxidase (MAO), which degradesnorepinephrine.

Inside of presynaptic neurons, amphetamines displace norepinephrine from storage vesicles.

Question 123.85 pts

Which of the following statements is correct:

Hepatic/portal circulation passes substances from the gut through the portal vein to thepancreas.

Enterohepatic circulation circulates bile acids and drugs from the liver to bile, followed byentry to the small intestine and then re-absorbed and transported back to liver.

Active transport through the cell membrane only works for water soluble substances.

None of the above

Lymphatic circulation into blood is the passage of substances in the lymph via the thoracicduct to the left subclavian vein, which can result in brain specific toxicity from ingested toxins.2024/2/13 下午3:14 Quiz: Midterm 1… 7/13

Question 133.85 pts

Glutamate is a neurotransmitter. Three subtypes of the glutamate receptor allow ionsto cross the neuronal membrane (ionotropic). Which ion can cross these receptors?

None of the above

Both sodium and calcium




Question 14 3.85 pts

Which of these statements is incorrect?

Chemical manufacturers are responsible to perform tastings to ensure the toxicity of theirproducts.

Certain safety factor is LD1/ED99. So a smaller certain safety factor means the drug is safer.

We base on three aspects to evaluate the risk: the property of hazards, dose-responseassessment and exposure assessment.

We can only consider relative safety because absolute safety is impossible to be achieved.

Some xenobiotics can induce the expression of enzymes that metabolize themselves.

Question 153.85 pts

Which neurotransmitter is involved in helping us feel pleasure as part of the brain’sreward mechanism?2024/2/13 下午3:14 Quiz: Midterm 1… 8/13






Question 163.85 pts

Which is the definition of “hormesis”?

None of the above

A compound that exerts beneficial effects at a low dose but toxic effects at a high dose

A compound that exerts toxic effects at a very high dose

A compound that only exerts beneficial effects at a low dose

A compound that exerts toxic effects at a low dose but beneficial effects at a high dose

Question 173.85 pts

Which statement is incorrect:

Opioids excite the neurons by opening calcium channels.

The major side effect of heroin and all opioids is dependence on the drug.

During resting state, the inside of the neuron is negatively charged.

GABA is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.

Neurons send messages electrochemically. Electric signals can propagate down the axon.2024/2/13 下午3:14 Quiz: Midterm 1… 9/13

Question 183.85 pts

Overstimulation of glutamate receptors causes excitotoxicity. The mechanismunderlying the excitotoxicity is:

Overstimulation of glutamate receptors causes calcium increase inside of the cells thatinduces the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that results in overproduction ofATP that damages neurons.

Overstimulation of glutamate receptors causes chloride increase inside of the cells thatinduces the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that results in mitochondrialdysfunction.

Overstimulation of glutamate receptors causes sodium increase inside of the cells thatinduces the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that results in mitochondrialdysfunction.

Overstimulation of glutamate receptors causes calcium increase inside of the cells thatinduces the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that results in mitochondrialdysfunction.

Overstimulation of glutamate receptors causes sodium increase inside of the cells thatinduces the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that results in overproduction ofATP that damages neurons.

Question 193.85 pts

Which of these statements about toxicology is incorrect?

Environmental Protection Agency is one of the public sectors that invest in toxicity testing.

Most exposure of humans to chemicals is through naturally occurring compounds consumedin the diet from food plants.

Too much oxygen can harm human health.

Water is safe. One can drink as much as possible.

If a compound does not have a threshold in the toxicity testing, then even the smallestamount must be assumed to have toxic effects.2024/2/13 下午3:14 Quiz: Midterm 1… 10/13

Question 203.85 pts

MPTP causes Parkinson’s disease-like symptoms. Which statement below aboutMPTP is incorrect:

MPTP is selectively taken up by serotonin transporters in the brain.

MPP+ inhibits complex I of the electron-transport chain and depletes ATP in neurons.

MPTP can cross the blood-brain barrier.

Smaller exposures to MPTP may cause a decrease in the population of neurons within thesubstantia nigra region in the brain.

Individuals exposed to low doses of MPTP could develop early signs of Parkinson’s diseaseyears later.

Question 213.85 pts

Which statement is incorrect?

A SNP could be the reason that certain patients do not respond to a particular drug as well asthe majority of the population.

A SNP occurring in the enhancer region may affect the expression of this gene.

A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) is a DNA sequence variation that commonly occurswithin a population, in which a single nucleotide differs between members of biologicalspecies.

When comparing genomic sequences between two people, approximately 0.1% of thesequences could be different.

In the human genome, less than 2% of genomic DNA encodes proteins. The other 98% is“junk” DNA that do not possess any function.

Question 223.85 pts2024/2/13 下午3:14 Quiz: Midterm 1… 11/13

VX (organophosphate) nerve agent was used to assassinate the half-brother of theNorth Korean dictator. How does VX exert its toxic effect?

It activates acetylcholinesterase, overstimulates acetylcholine receptors, which leads to theirdesensitization, and the loss of neurotransmission.

It acts as an agonist for GABA receptors to directly dampen neurotransmission.

It acts as an agonist and overstimulates acetylcholine receptors, which leads to theirdesensitization, and the loss of neurotransmission.

It inhibits acetylcholinesterase and overstimulates acetylcholine receptors, which leads totheir desensitization, and the loss of neurotransmission.

It acts as an antagonist and inhibits acetylcholine receptors, which leads to the loss ofneurotransmission.

Question 233.85 pts

Which description about the mechanism of organophosphorus agents (OP) inducedpoisoning is incorrect.

OP hyperstimulates muscarinic acetylcholine receptor leading to vomiting, reduce heart rateand short of breath.

OP inhibits acetylcholinesterase

Hyperstimulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors leads to increased numbers of receptorson the cell membrane.

Galantamine inhibits acetylcholine receptor and is used for the treatment of Alzheimer’sdisease and other memory impairments.

OP hyperstimulates nicotinic acetylcholine receptor leading to convulsion and tremor.

Question 243.85 pts

Which of following statements is correct:2024/2/13 下午3:14 Quiz: Midterm 1… 12/13

Advances in genome sequencing technology contribute significantly to our understanding onpharmacogenomics.

The progress of bioinformatics is critical for the advancement of pharmacogenomics, asbiologists need to process large numbers of sequencing data.

All of the above is correct

One of the future trends of pharmacogenomics is personal genetic testing, which can lead topersonal medicine (or precision medicine).

A complete sequencing of the human genome allows us to identify SNP(s).

Question 253.85 pts

Which of the following statements is incorrect:

When we design drugs for particular diseases, we aim for these drugs to have the besteffects in the general population.

Almost all drugs used have resistant populations.

Genetic variations can affect pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics.

BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes encode proteins that are involved in DNA repair and mutations inthese two genes account for approximately 5-10% of breast cancer.

In genome-wide association study (GWAS), scientists need to guess what genes areinvolved in disease risk.

Question 263.85 pts

Which statement is incorrect:

SNP in the exon usually affects the activity or stability of the protein because exons encodeprotein sequences.

Risk assessment is the modeling process that yields estimates for safe or allowable chemical concentrations.

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