Read the hyperlinked article. Post your critique of the data collection and analysis methods used in the article. Refer to the Fain (2021) textbook pp. 244 & 265. Use the following article for the discussion:

Read the hyperlinked article. Post your critique of the data collection and analysis methods used in the article. Refer to the Fain (2021) textbook pp. 244 & 265. Use the following article for the discussion:

Determinants of emotional exhaustion.pdf

1. What types of instruments and/or scales were used to measure the main study variables?

2. Was the data collection process described clearly?

3. Does the instrument measure what it claims to measure?

4. Are there instructions on how to obtain, administer, and score the instrument?

5. Are scoring procedures explained in sufficient detail?

6. Does the instrument yield a total score, or are there several subscales associated with the instrument?

7. Has the instrument been pilot tested?


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