Payback Assignments

Packback Assignments:

  1. submit your own original question
  2. What is your question?
  3. b.Add a Description
  4. C.Cite your Source

Write a question about the material covered in Chapter 1 from the How to Do Systems Analysis textbook or the LC PBX case

2.submit a response to two other questions posed that week by your classmates!

To receive full credit, you should make all of your submissions achieve a curiosity score of at least an 80 out of a 100. Here are a few things to ensure that you reach an 80:

Don’t have spelling errors

Use paragraph breaks (don’t type one long 350 word paragraph)

Include a link to an external source

Add a description (where you insert your text)

If your curiosity score is less than 80, just click on the “options” tab and edit your submission until you get it to an 80 or higher.

 Classmates #1

Why is establishing the scope of a project important?

Why is establishing the scope of the project such a vital piece of the project planning phase? What happens if a project team fails to properly define the scope? The Project Management Institute says the scope statement “Provides a basis for making future decisions, accomplishing verification measures and evaluating changes to the scope.” (Cockfield) Knowing this, can a project have a scope that isn’t well-defined and still have a successful final project? What risks are associated with having a scope that is not well-defined? Have you ever had a project at work that did not have a well-defined scope? Have you ever had a project in your personal life, such as a DIY home renovation, that didn’t have a well defined scope? What was the outcome?


Classmates #2

What contributed to the success of the PBX system development?

This week, we reviewed the PBX case at LaGrange College. The college saw a need to be fulfilled by enhancing their telephone service features. When implementing change, there must be a desire for change and everyone must be responsive to it, if not then people’s natural reaction to change is to resist it. However, this was not the case. Everyone saw the need for change, even down to the faculty members of the institution. When planning a project, you must know how you will implement it. LaGrange was able to do this by giving their vendors a blueprint of the buildings to see how they could navigate, and the vendors knew the familiarity of the school. The vendors were able to obtain the right resources at the right time. The success of the PBX system was able to meet everyone’s expectations. They were able to complete the project ahead of schedule and did not go over the budget.

Source: System Development Life Cycle: Methodologies, Phases & Roles (

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