Answer questions based on given scenario

The general scenario is that you are working for LUML.  And need to do certain analytic or managerial work.  Obviously, the major topics addressed will be the course topics.

During the weekly staff meeting, Mrs. Ennis (the CEO) made the following comment:

Last night I was watching the evening business report.  One reporter made reference to a DHL publication on Radar Trends, Waves, or similar.  This was touted as containing a number of trends that will or should influence logistics in the future. 

The reporter honed-in on self-driving vehicles.  But what I found even more interesting is that there are many other topics or trends. 

Would you please answer the following questions?  

           Our mission?  Not a job, but a mission.

           Answer the CEO’s questions.

Ref sources — – In large documents it is best to include the page number so the reader can easily find the content.


Q#1 (50)  Trends

          #1a.   (5) source

          #1b.  (15) What is the title of the DHL publication?

          #1c.  (15)   How many trends are included in the current edition?

          #1d.  (15) What are the two basic sectors or groupings of these trends?   How do we know the 2 basic sectors?

Q#2 (100) Looking at the circularity trend, “According to DHL –”)

            #2a. (10) sources

            #2b. (20) What is the projected impact?

            #2c.  (20) Give a brief summary of the description of the trend.

            #2d.  (20) What sector(s) might be impacted?

            #2e.  (20) What is the timeframe for this trend to be realized?   How do we know the timeframe?

            #2f.  (15) What other resources are available on this trend?

Q#3.  (50)  Your assessment of the circularity trend.

            #3a (5) Sources

            #3b.  (45)  What is your assessment of how accurately DHL has structured the trend?

                   On the one hand, your opinion is important. And can be “cited” or labelled as such.

                   On the other hand, a supporting citation or two would likely bolster the credibility of your answer.

Q#4.   (50)   One suggested change to the circularity trend.

      #4 a.  (5)  Sources

      #4b.  (20)  Give one suggested change on how you would improve the trend.

      #4c.  (25)  Briefly describe why you think that change would be an improvement.

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