What are the variables you’re interested in studying? How will you plan on measuring these variables? Clearly define the IV and DV, as well as the operational definition for the DV.

Cement your research topic – decide which specific phenomenon or behavior you will be presenting your research upon

Bring in three research articles (at minimum) related to the topic that you intend to research

Finally, based on the articles, answer the following questions:

1) What are the variables you’re interested in studying? How will you plan on measuring these variables? Clearly define the IV and DV, as well as the operational definition for the DV.

2) What scale of measurement do you think your variables will be? (Nominal, Ordinal,

Interval, Ratio) Be sure to list each variable and the scale that is most appropriate for it.

3) How do you think you would get your data? Specifically, how would you find

participants? What would you have them do?

4) What problems can you predict? Honesty? Finding participants? What confounding

variables might be present? Any limitations?

5) Choose one of your articles for this portion. What is the article you have selected? What

are the variables in that study? What were the main findings? What limitations were noted, if any? List the methodological strengths and weaknesses. Also, include the full reference in proper APA format.

Requirements: 1

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