What is your desired career path after earning Master of Education in School Counseling ? School Counselor

What is your desired career path after earning Master of Education in School Counseling ? School Counselor• Describe how your personal experience influenced your decision. Students come to me often looking for career advice and when they are looking for someone to confide in. • Describe how your previous academic experience influenced your decision.• Describe how your professional experience influenced your decision.


Consider the following disposition: “Respect for the Diversity of Others”: Educators should be sensitive to individual learning and social needs of students and embrace the cultural diversity of the community.

• Clearly explain how you would uphold the Respect for the Diversity of Others disposition as a school counselor.• Provide a concrete example of what that looks like.• Provide scholarly support citing a minimum of one peer-reviewed research article and include APA (7th edition) formatted in-text citation(s) and corresponding reference(s).

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