You’ve become a trusted resource for your selected organization, and they’ve asked your advice on having a competitive advantage in the field. More specifically, they would like a presentation to the chief marketing officer with your analysis and recommendations on ways to bring their company culture, demographics, and technologies up to current industry practices and beyond.


You’ve become a trusted resource for your selected organization, and they’ve asked your advice on having a competitive advantage in the field. More specifically, they would like a presentation to the chief marketing officer with your analysis and recommendations on ways to bring their company culture, demographics, and technologies up to current industry practices and beyond.


Use your selected company from Weeks 1–5 for this summative assessment. ( Pfizeer)

Assessment Deliverable

Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation in which you include the following elements:

  • An analysis of the organization’s current culture (e.g., beliefs, expectations, values, and norms), including how its managers influence the organizational culture
  • An evaluation of:
  • The impact of evolving demographic forces (e.g., age, gender, ethnic origin, race, sexual orientation, and social class) on your organization and where it needs to be
  • Note: This is a good place to incorporate information from your Wk 5 Assessment Prep: Organizational Structure Outline.
  • The impact of emerging technological forces (e.g., changes in the technology that managers use to design, produce, or distribute goods and services) on your organization and how this can contribute to innovation within the industry
  • An examination of how the organization has complied with ethics and social responsibility behavior
  • Recommendations of ways to evolve a piece of the organization’s culture based on your analysis
Formatting Requirements
  • Appropriate visuals
  • Detailed speaker notes
  • Citations and a references slide for sources and visuals that are formatted according to APA guidelines

Requirements: 900 – 1000

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