A pump (Q1) is used to automatically maintain the water level between “high” and “low” in atank using electric sensors. There is a start (I1) and stop (I2) button which is used to enableand disable the automated system.

EE302 Basic EE II
Ladder Logic Homework #3
Rev. 4/15/2020

  1. A pump (Q1) is used to automatically maintain the water level between “high” and “low” in a
    tank using electric sensors. There is a start (I1) and stop (I2) button which is used to enable
    and disable the automated system. The electric sensors indicate high level (I3) and low level
    (I4). The output of I4 is high when the tank is empty, low when not empty. The output of I3
    is high when the tank is full, low when not full. Develop the ladder logic to control this
    system. Keep safety in mind: the level sensors should not be able to turn on the pump if the
    system has been disabled. (5 points)

Name:_____________ Lecture Section:_ Lab Section:__
2 of 5

  1. A product moves on a conveyor and has a label placed on the top of the product. Design
    ladder logic which starts (I1) and stops (I2) the conveyor belt motor (Q1). When the product
    has been sensed in correct upright position (I3) and horizontal position (I4), the conveyor
    stops. The label stamper (Q2) is engaged for one second, then the conveyor resumes
    operation. (5 points)

Name:_____________ Lecture Section:_ Lab Section:__
3 of 5

  1. Develop ladder logic code to control a traffic light which does the following: The N/S red
    light (Q1) and the E/W green light (Q6) are on. Then, both yellow lights (Q2 and Q5) are on.
    Then, the N/S green light (Q3) and E/W red light (Q4) are on. Each light group is on for 15
    seconds. No, this is not a normal traffic light system. (5 points) Hint: you will need to select
    a PLC with more than 4 outputs to simulate this system.

Name:_____________ Lecture Section:_ Lab Section:__
4 of 5

  1. Your company has been asked to develop a conveyor belt system which packages six bottles
    into steel trays. A start (I1) and stop (I2) button control the operation. A steel tray travels
    down the conveyor (Q1) until the steel tray has been sensed by a proximity sensor (I3). Once
    detected, the conveyor stops, a red light is illuminated (Q2), and the automated pick-andplace system is initiated (Q3). Each time a bottle is loaded (detected by I4, not shown), the
    green light (Q4) is illuminated and counted. When six bottles have been loaded, the red light
    is turned off and the conveyor restarted. (5 points)

Name:_____________ Lecture Section:_ Lab Section:__
5 of 5

  1. You have been asked to develop a system to mix and bottle orange juice from concentrate. (5
    points) Hint: you will need to select a PLC with more than 4 outputs to simulate this system.
    a. Low level detectors in the water (I1) and concentrate (I2) tanks prevent operating the
    water (Q1) and concentrate (Q2) pumps.
    b. The orange juice tank has a high level detector (I4) which stops the pumps in the
    water and concentrate tanks.
    c. The conveyor belt motor (Q4) is initiated by a start (I6) and stop (I7) button.
    d. When a bottle is detected under the spigot (I5), the conveyor belt is stopped
    e. The orange juice pump (Q3) is operated for 10 seconds to fill the bottle.
    f. The conveyor belt is then restarted.
    g. The red indicator light (Q5) is illuminated if the orange juice tank has a low level
    h. The green indicator light (Q6) is indicated during normal operation.
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