Psychology Question

Last time, you help an assignment to compare 2 cultures (independent and interdependent; using cultural psychology concept) Nike advertisements, but it turned into a group assignment, so I will need to rewrite an essay to fit the group outline.

I would appreciate it if you could write referring to the assignment outline (see below).


  • Introduction: Intro sentence, (include) Thesis of topics (Linking back concepts to interdependent vs independent; Primary and secondary control, Analytical vs Holistic persepctive, Low context and high context environment / Horizon levels
  • Paragraph 1: Primary and Secondary
  • Paragraph 2: Analytic vs. Holistic
  • Paragraph 3: Low vs High Context and Horizon levels
  • Conclusion

Purpose: the ability to work in a term, search relevant supportive materials, analyze, and synthesize information, and writing them are important skills in your professional life. Your paper should be least 1200 words (4-5 pages double space APA style paper).

How: pick a cultural product to analyze using a cultural psychology lens

  • Work to together to analyze how ideas prevalent in two sociocultural contexts, represented in their cultural products
  • For example, in advertisements, advertisers seize upon ideas that are prevalent, catchy, and represent the “right way” to be a person in a given context. We want you to conduct a cultural analysis of a popular cultural product (e.g., advertisement) distributed in two cultural contexts of your choice (the two cultural context can be similar or dissimilar, but the cultural products should be equivalent)
  • *We chose the athletic brand Nike as product and focused on advertisements released in Western cultures and Eastern cultures;

Typically, use the interdependent vs independent selves theory to explain the NIKE ad.

Nike advertisement (Western) : independent

Dream Crazy

Nike advertisement (China) : interdependent selve

Thanks for your help:)

Requirements: 4-5

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