Interview Notes / Research Outline

Research Outline with Resources

Write a 2-3 page outline that includes the following information: The main point (argument/thesis), the possible paragraph topics, a full citation for each library and other media resource, and some examples from the library and media sources that will be used in your paper. The Bibliography/Work Cited needs to be included and it does not count in the page length requirement.

1. The main point (Argument/Thesis) is the answer to your research inquiry. For example, This paper will look at ______ issue, which is comparable to events that happened _______. Many times we usually put the main point in the conclusion, which is good too, but providing the reader (me) with the main point in the introduction helps the reader (me) follow the structure of the paper.

2. Use the following links to understand how to create an outline: to an external site.

Is your outline going to be perfect? No, it is not. I want to see that you have started the research, that you are structuring the research, that you have the resources to support your argument. But Professor, I hate outlines, I do better writing a rough draft. Yeah, me too, lol. If you write a rough draft, make sure that the main argument is in the introduction and that their is a clear structure of the rough draft in the body paragraphs with examples from the library/articles in the rough draft.

3. For the bibliography, find at least TWO library books (e-books)/journal articles. If using Wikipedia, look at the resources used at the very bottom of the page. We all use Wikipedia and some scholars are actually fact checking the information. Just keep in mind that I am torturing you in looking for research materials from the library. That is part of the Historians Craft. There are some other websites that I have provided that can be used. If in doubt, please let me know and I will check it out but I trust your judgment.

Please contact our Librarian’s for assistance on finding sources for your topic. At Cuyamaca College: At Grossmont College: to an external site.

The bibliography should be in MLA format. History Majors should use Chicago Style (It’s really easy and way better than MLA, lol).

Here are some acceptable websites that you can use for your research:

worldhistory.orgLinks to an external site.

thoughtco.comLinks to an external site.

khanacademyLinks to an external site.

And podcast:

BBC Radio 4: In Our TimeLinks to an external site.

Digital HammurabiLinks to an external site.

Bio Graphics, Kings and Generals, History Hack, Crash Course are also good You Tube channels

Use this link for MLA assistance: to an external site.

For Chicago Style:

Requirements: 2-3 page

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