Informative Speech Topic Approval, Research Questionnaire with 3 Main Points Outline

Informative Speech Topic Approval, Research Questionnaire with 3 Main Points Outline

The following topics are not permitted:

Abortion, immigration, religion, sexuality/sexual orientation, marijuana, texting while driving, cell phone usage, death penalty, gun control, nutrition, health/wellness/exercise, euthanasia, cloning.

Part 1: TOPIC APPROVAL and RESEARCH (25 points)

Question 1:  What is the topic of your Informative Speech?  The topic of my informative speech

Question 2:  What is the title of your Informative Speech?

Question 3:  How will the informative speech be organized (select one)?

  • compare/contrast      
  • historical analysis      
  • cause/effect         
  • problem/solution       
  • explanation    

Question 4:  Describe the intended audience for the informative speech? The intended audience for the

Question 5:  What are the demographics of your audience (age, race, language, political affiliation, national origin)? 

Question 6:   Why is this informative speech important to you?

Question 7:    Why should the audience care about this topic (listener relevance)? The audience should care

Question 8:  Find one article about the speech (Article 1). What is the title of the article?

Question 9:  What database did you use to find the first article?

Question 10:  What is the APA citation for Article 1?

Question 11: Find a second article about the speech (Article 2). What is the title of the article?

Question 12:  What database did you use to find the second article?

Question 13:  What is the APA citation for Article 2?

Question 14: How will these articles benefit your informative speech? The articles will benefit my informative speech

Question 15:    Cite to a direct statistic from one of the articles above by using the statistic in a sentence using APA Style.

Question 16:  Provide an anecdotal (personal story) about the topic.

Part 2: Speech Outline 25 points

Writing A:  Summarize in 1 paragraph or more (5-6 sentences =a paragraph) the information from Article 1 and Article 2. The summary should be in your own words. Do not use bullet points. Do not copy verbatim from the articles

Writing B: What are the three main points you will discuss in your informative speech?

            Point 1:

            Point 2:

            Point 3:

Writing C:  List three (3) transition words you will use in your informative speech.

PART 3: SPEECH (25 points)

Write your informative speech below. Remember the speech must be 3-5 minutes.


Part of the speech-writing process is systematically getting to know your audience.

A demographic analysis questionnaire questions and analyzes the audience’s overall knowledge, values, attitudes, and opinions of your chosen speech topic. Additionally, you should be collecting information on demographics of your audience. 

Question 1:  Fixed Alternative Demographic Question (Fixed Alternative)(age, race, language, political affiliation, biological sex, national origin).


1. What is your age?

a. 18-25

b. 26-35

c. 36-45

d. 46-55

e. 56-75+

Type your Fixed Alternative Demographic question below:

Question 2: Fixed Alternative Characteristic


2. Do you cook your own meals regularly?



Type your Fixed Alternative Characteristic question below:

Question 3: Likert Scale (audience’s attitude about your topic)


I need to know about baking so I can make my own deserts.

Strongly Disagree       Disagree       Neutral      Agree      Strongly Agree

Type your Likert Scale question below:

Question 4. Likert Scale (audience’s attitude about your topic).

Example:  I would like to know more about baking chocolate chip cookies.

Strongly Disagree       Disagree       Neutral      Agree      Strongly Disagree

Type your Likert Scale question below:

Question 5. Value Ordered Question (analyze audience’s preferences or values about the topic).

Example: List the following when it comes to what you value most when making desert from most important (1) to least (4).

Flavor- Convenience- Nutrition- Quality

1. ______________________

2. ______________________

3. ______________________

4. ______________________

Type your Value Ordered question below:

Question 6. Value Ordered Question (analyze audience’s preferences or values about the topic).

Example: List the following when it comes to what you value most when making desert from most important (1) to least (4).

Time- Convenience- Quality- Reliability

1. _____________________

2. _____________________

3. _____________________

4. ____________________

Type your Value Ordered question below:

Rubric (100 points):

All parts of the assignment (25 points per section) must be completed with fidelity (instructions followed with fidelity)(Standard English Conventions (capitalization, spelling, punctuation, collegiate level vocabulary).

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