Should more people seek to undertake this type of literacy to develop this skill and ultimately fill this professional role? Should fewer?

Assignment GuidelinesCompose an essay that successfully argues for the importance of your selected literacy. You will now make an argument that addresses the ultimate importance of this competency and profession.You might address some of the following questions:Should more people seek to undertake this type of literacy to develop this skill and ultimately fill this professional role? Should fewer?Will this profession change in the future, and will this change benefit any group?Does our school system adequately prepare people to undertake this literacy, and should it? If so, how should our school system prepare people for this profession and its associated literacies?Why does this field or profession matter?How does this field or profession make a difference in the world?To accomplish this, you will:Brainstorm unique reasons why this literacy and its implications are important for others to experience.Outline your argument. What are three or more reasons that support your argument and pay attention to possible counterarguments?Identify a minimum of two secondary sources that support your claims about the value of this literacy.Compose an essay that persuades readers to thoughtfully engage with your position by:(1) presenting a thesis statement(2) offering detailed support for your claim (and possibly addresses counter claims)(3) using secondary sources as additional support for your claim.RequirementsLengthA 3-4 pg. essay turned in via iCollegeAn instructor-approved subject of platformArticulation of why your argument has validityA thesis that helps orient readers to the purpose and major claims of your essayDetailed evidence (2 or more secondary sources offering additional evidence)A coherent organizational structure that supports your thesisMLA citations for all sources in an attached Works Cited pageProofreading and MLA formatting

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