Does Noreen have to acknowledge the sources of information she uses even if she doesnot quote the authors?

Group Projects – 10% out of 30% – Week Thirteen
Noreen has an assignment to complete for her Business Communications class: to research the
social and business customs of a foreign country and then submit a report on her findings.
Noreen is excited about this assignment because her employer, Petro-Go, is considering new gas
stations and offices in another country. She plans to do a thorough investigation and hopes to
share her findings and report with her manager. She feels that understanding the social and
business customs of the country where Petro-Go intends to do business will help the company
Questions to consider before your start:

  • Does Noreen have to acknowledge the sources of information she uses even if she does
    not quote the authors?
  • How will Noreen know that the sources are trustworthy?
  • What correlation will Noreen need to make between the headings in her report and the
    table of contents?
  • Should the report include an executive summary?
    Your Task
    Choose a non-English-speaking country and write an informational report summarizing the
    country’s social and business customs. Include at least three visuals. Review all the material of
    the course as a guide for the types of information you should include in your report.
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