Discussion (Ch14) – How to use social media to promote change

Perform Internet research on a social media channel (e.g., YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and write about an individual who is using social media to promote change. What is this individual doing? What social media channel is the individual using? Provide evidence to support your post (remember to cite your work.

  1. Perform Internet research on a social media channel (e.g., YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and write about a for profit company that is using social media to promote change. What is this company doing? What social media channel is the company using? Provide evidence to support your post (remember to cite your work).
  2. Reply to 2 students in the discussion with at least 150 words to create community in the discussion.


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