Module 12 discussion

the following documents/videos: Unchained: The Scourge of Human Trafficking ; Human Trafficking Survivors Share their Stories; ;

Provide thoughtful and specific responses that convey that you fully read and reviewed all of the documents/videos listed above.

A.(Human Rights and Global Activism)

1. share why you found each topic to be insightful and helpful for understanding the topic of Human Rights and Global Activism . (Use separate paragraphs for each topic.)

B. Human Trafficking

1. After watching the two videos on Human Trafficking, highlight at least four insights that you learned about human trafficking.

2. Research Human trafficking in Georgia and specifically, Atlanta. Provide at least a couple paragraphs describing the current statistics and information you learned about this problem in our Area.

C. Share your reaction to the “Female Genital Mutilation” video.

D. Global Human Rights

1. Based on your own thoughts, share all of the human rights that you believe all humans on this earth deserve.

2. Review the UN Declaration of Human Rights and share some of the rights from that list that you had not thought of in your original list but do agree should be included.

Requirements: In depth

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